Lonely Moments – Friendly Smile

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Sitting at the hotel bar. I found myself entranced by the rhythmic dance of crashing waves and the gentle sway of trees in the ocean breeze. In this serene yet potent backdrop, I discovered a profound solace amidst the emotional echoes that reverberated within me. A rum punch was offered, a welcome gesture from the hotel on this sweet sister island, but the bar lady’s nonchalance echoed louder than the friendly gesture.

As I waited for my room, memories of past wounds resurfaced, memories entwined with this very hotel, which bore witness to the painful revelation of a parallel relationship. Despite the emotional tempest raging within, a reservoir of strength prevailed, yet I couldn’t help but yearn for the simple, friendly smile that could weave wonders. In the intricacies of life, the power of a warm greeting is profound and often underestimated.

The bar lady, absorbed in her own world, unknowingly held the key to transforming my melancholic moment into one of unexpected joy. Service providers, often unrecognized for their influence, have the uncanny ability to turn solitary moments into cherished memories. A friendly “hi” or “hello” possesses a kind of magic, capable of mending wounds, lifting spirits, and offering a moment of respite to those navigating the labyrinth of emotions alone.

In this tranquil sanctuary by the sea, I realized that the hotel not only echoed my past but also held the potential to shape my present. A simple act of kindness, a genuine smile, could rewrite the narrative and infuse this place with newfound warmth and hope. The power to uplift resides in the smallest gestures, a truth that dawned on me as I sipped my rum punch, longing for a friendly smile to accompany the symphony of crashing waves.

In the end, I understood that the bar lady, though seemingly indifferent, had an unseen influence. Her simple, genuine kindness could have the power to transform my stay, imbuing it with warmth and solace. As I lingered in this moment, surrounded by the natural beauty of the island, I felt a renewed appreciation for the small acts of humanity that have the potential to create lasting, meaningful change.

However I have made a decision to make this hotel my home. The rest of the staff makes me feel like family. Their genuine care for their customers transforms this place into a true home away from home. From the groundsman Glen, to Shirley who runs the restaurant, and Malika who always checks on her guests, everyone contributes to a welcoming atmosphere. Especially in a country known for its laid-back service, their dedication is truly remarkable. F@$K YES!

By – Crystal S John

One response to “Lonely Moments – Friendly Smile”

  1. Alayna Ricketts Avatar
    Alayna Ricketts

    Never underestimate the power of a kind word or greeting to a stranger. You never know the impact it can have on a person’s day… Spread love always 🫶🏾

    Liked by 1 person

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